Saturday, October 6, 2012

Scholarships - Europe, Middle East and Africa

Google Europe & Israel Scholarship for Students with Disabilities is now open to students who will be enrolled in study for the 2013/2014 academic year at a university in Europe or Israel. Students must be enrolled in a computer science, computer engineering, informatics or closely related technical program. Students with a disability, mental health or other long term health condition are eligible to apply.

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, Middle East and Africa is now open to current female students who will be enrolled in study for the 2013/2014 academic year at a university in Europe, Middle East or Africa. Students must be enrolled in a computer science, computer engineering, informatics or closely related technical program and maintain a record of strong academic performance.

The deadline for both of the scholarships is 1st February 2013 and the announcement will be made in May 2013. Scholarship recipients will receive a EUR 7,000 scholarship and Scholars and Finalists will be invited to attend a networking retreat in June which will be held at a Google office in Europe. Take a look at the following videos to get a better feeling about the program:

Finally, these scholarships are just two of the opportunities we offer to students in order to encourage them to excel in technology and become active role models and leaders in the field.

For more information about other Google programs and scholarships, please visit this website.

We look forward to receiving your application!
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