Friday, December 7, 2012

Germany : PhD position in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence

Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial IntelligenceThe Department of Computer Science, research group Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence offers a position as Doctoral Researcher (full time, salary level E13 TV-L) for the duration of 3 years. Part-time employment is generally possible, unless forcing official concerns conflict. The position is to be filled at the earliest possible date.
You work in the research project “Model-based Opportunistic Robot Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration”. This includes designing and implementating a flexible planning and plan execution strategy for robots as well as conducting user tests for the parametrization and evaluation of the developed approach.

Prerequisites are a Master’s degree in Computer Science or a related field and experience in one or several of the following fields: artificial intelligence, human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction. Programming experience and fluency in English are also required.
Severely disabled people will be considered preferentially if qualifications are basically equal. The University of Tübingen aims for a higher proportion of women in research and teaching. Therefore, applications of qualified female scientists are explicitely solicited.
To apply for the position, please send the usual documents including motivation letter, CV, academic transcript, and relevant certificates in a single pdf file to Alexandra Kirsch
Phone for further requests: +49-7071-29-70418
The deadline for appliations is 09 December 2012. Late applications may be considered as long as the position has not been filled.
The employment will be effected by the central administration department.
Application Deadline : 9 December 2012
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