About Scholarship: Granting scholarships to citizens from developing countries for studies at Czech public Higher Education Institutions (“HEIs”) is an important part of foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic (“CR”) with a long tradition. From the late 1950s until present day, over 21,500 foreign nationals have completed their studies at Czech HEIs with a scholarship of the Government of the CR. Government scholarships for studies at public HEIs in the CR are governed by a Resolution of the Government of the CR as part of a joint project pursued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (“MEYS”) (www.msmt.cz) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (“MFA”)
Study: Scholarships are provided in the field of (in the Czech language) geology, forestry, medicine, economics, agriculture, power engineering, shoemaking ( Ethiopia) power engineering, agriculture/food-processing, medicine, economics (trade) (South Sudan) and (in the English language) Ethiopia/South Sudan – agriculture, economics (trade), information technologies by Czech public Higher Education Institutions.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing undergraduate, master’s and PhD degree level at Czech public Higher Education Institutions.
Scholarship by: The Government of the Czech Republic
Location: Czech Republic
Eligibility: -must be Ethiopian and South Sudan
Scholarship Open for: The students of Ethiopia and South Sudan can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship is offered for undergraduates 3-4 years (in the Czech language)
- for master’s students 4-6 years (in the Czech language) or 1-3 years (in the English language)
-for PhD students 3-4 years (in the Czech language) or 3-4 years (in the English language).
The scholarship covers necessary costs related to stay and study in the CR. The scholarship amount is regularly amended. Currently the amount paid to students of a Bachelor’s, Master’s or follow-up Master’s study programme stands at CZK 14,000 per month, whereas the amount paid to students of a Doctoral study programme stands at CZK 15,000 per month. The above scholarship amount includes an amount designated for the payment of accommodation costs. Costs of accommodation, food and public transport are covered by scholarship holders under the same conditions that apply to students who are citizens of the CR. Should healthcare exceeding standard care be required by the student, s/he shall cover it at his/her own costs
Selection criteria: Successful nominees will be subsequently notified by the Embassy in June 2014.
The mode of applying is by electronically. All applicants shall fill in an electronic application form available at the website address and successfully register (i.e. obtain an application identification number upon sending a completely filled in application form to the pertinent authority electronically).Nominated applicants shall also submit a printed “Application Form for a Scholarship of the Government
of the CR”, which has to meet the requirements stated below:
-It shall be filled in using Roman letters, if possible in English or in Czech;
-The assigned application identification number shall be stated in the upper right-hand corner;
-A photo (45 mm x 35 mm) shall be printed or glued in a designated place;
-All boxes shall be completely and truthfully filled in pursuant to instructions that accompany each box;
-The applicant shall pay special attention to the content of a box entitled “Motivational Letter” in which s/he shall briefly describe his/her expectations in terms of the future studies, practical application of learning and benefit for the country that has nominated him/her;
-A printed copy of the application form shall be signed by the applicant with his/her own hand.
Deadline: September 30, 2013.
Further Information: